Jan 14, 2010

Cooped Up

Life with Cooper changes from day to day. Sometimes he sleeps a lot, other times he’s fussy. I’m always trying to figure it out but there’s no sense to it. He loves to be held which is so cute but it’s also annoying because he loves to be held all the time and if he’s not, he gets pissed. Who could blame him?

Matt started his job this week so I’ve been on my own with him. I’ve learned that we need to leave the house at least once a day. I like to have one activity planned outside the house per day: a trip to Babies ‘R Us, a visit to Alyssa and Ione, a walk with Deanne, an errand, a drop into the free breastfeeding class, or whatever I can do. It’s super cold outside so this is sometimes a huge effort. I bundle him up and as soon as he gets outside moving or in the car, he conks out. Then he sleeps for hours. Yay! It’s like an automatic tranquilizer gun! Needless to say this is a large part why I’ve decided it’s necessary for us to leave the house. The other reason being that I feel too cooped up (so to speak!) in the house all day if I don’t. Do I wish he was born in June instead of the dead of winter? Hell yes. Do I wish I lived in a moderate climate that is approximately 70 degrees? Hell yes. But then again, he loves the cold and we’ll have warmer weather soon enough. When we do, it’ll be glorious! And he’ll be bigger.

He’s been smiling a bit. Not sure if it’s gas (common in the Mascolo household) or he’s happy. I’ve read that they can start smiling at six weeks so he’s almost at that point.

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