Apr 3, 2010

Three and a Half Months Old

Hello Everyone,

CLICK HERE to see some recent photos of Coopie - see how fast he's growing up?:

It's been a busy month with me returning to work and Coopie starting daycare. It's been a fairly smooth transition, I think. The hardest part is that I'm still not getting more than three hours in a row of sleep, and now with work it's even harder. By about 2pm I'm ready for bed! But it's great to be back at work and using a different part of my brain.

Coopie seems to be adjusting to daycare very well. He loves the ladies that care for him: Naveen, Ana, and Jessica. It's fun for me to share things with them about Coopie and to hear about his day. It sounds like he's a good feeder (on the bottle!) and he's napping a lot. Bringing him to daycare has doubled my commute each way to work so that's more difficult. Thank goodness for Howard Stern! Coopie usually sleeps on the way there and sometimes on the way home, too.

We're getting him into more of a routine at night. We bring him upstairs to get ready for bed between 8-9pm. I'm usually in bed by 9:30pm. He's doing well in the crib. The next step will be trying to get him to fall asleep on his own. We're reading up on different philosophies and will start sleep training soon. Oy!

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